Hollis Innovations
Making Imagination A Reality
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Legal Agreement

Courtroom of the Supreme Court of the United States in Washington, D.C. (Hollis Pictures)
General Information
By using any site in Hollis Innovations, LLC's ("Hollis Innovations") network, you waive your rights to seek out legal damages over the value of the site and its content, which does not include original content along with any copyright, trademark, or service mark, registered or unregistered.

Use of our network ("our site") is an agreement to all of our policies, including the policy of waiving some of your legal rights.

Any person working for, or on, our site, including owners, employees, affiliates, partners, writers, or any other contributors, will not be held liable for anything that happens on the site. If sued, you may only sue for what the value of the site is, since by accepting this agreement, you waive your rights to sue for personal assets. You cannot use this site if you do not agree to this legal policy.
We not have any registered copyrights with the United States Copyright Office, which is the only place to register works for copyright in the United States. A work is protected "the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form so that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device," as the U.S. Copyright Office states, and does not require registration with the government. There are a few reasons why a work might want to be copyrighted. The first reason would be that the copyright would be on public record. You would also have a much better legal standing in federal courts. Any material other than original works by Hollis Innovations used on this site are thought to be of public domain or are used with the permission from the holder of the copyright. If this is not the case, please contact Hollis Innovations.

All original material is copyrighted by Hollis Innovations. This would include, but not limited to, most photographs, literary works, online media, animation and software. The site layout may not be copied and redistributed in its entirety, but parts of it may be used freely, while other parts may be used with permission. Please contact us for information on what parts can be redistributed. Some of our work, such as some of the computer programming and software applications that we offer through third parties, is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License ("GPL"). You can find out more about what GPL is at the Free Software Foundation. For more information about what original material of ours is copyrighted, please contact us.

If you would like to use any of our content on the web, in print, on television, or another place, please contact Hollis Innovations for permission unless a policy or license covering that particular content allows you to use it without permission. Some of our content is available for purchase or license. Any redistribution by any party of original content by Hollis Innovations, in whole or in part, without the express consent of Hollis Innovations, is prohibited unless stated otherwise. Exceptions include pictures at Hollis Pictures that may be used on a personal home computer and content from Tropical Globe that can be displayed by television media without receiving permission.
Other Site Policies
Please review our other policies below:

You may only use our sites if you agree to all of these policies.
Updated July 4th, 2024